On Oct 6, 11:43 am, Tobias Beer <beertob...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> What's the idea behind having those items numbered? Are those numbers
> really important?

They are ordered lists being filled in random orders.

To make it simple, let us say they contain words in dictionary order.
First list has letters A-M and the second list has N-Z.  The words are
populated in random orders - so I am relying on the hash sign in front
of the words in order that when I enter a word in the middle of the
list they are numbered right in the rendering.

Sometimes I need to look at only the first list and at other times, I
need to look at both first and the second lists together.  And, for my
use both the dictionary order of words and the exact counts of the
words the list are very important.

> Because if they are, then using the hash sign
> doesn't seem to cut it as the numbers may arbitrarily shift.

I guess I have to see how I can bend the problem to fit the
tiddlywiki's capabilities :-) :-( ... I have integrated tiddlywiki in
my work for so long - nearly five years now - I am tied to it now!
(And, I very rarely, if ever have run into issues like this - so I
would not complain!)

Thanks for looking at it.

Cheers; 'best,


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