Just to let you know Mans, I finally got around to working on this
project again and this works great.  I'm using it like this

<<tiddler DailyChecklist##toggleall with:  "[[Cardio Essentials]]
[[Bone Support Formula]]">> has Dx of high blood pressure

and it can tag the tiddler with both tags at once (for use with cloud
tag plugin.  That way you can in this case check off multiple signs
and symptoms, each one pointing to various multiple tags, (e.g.
symptom A: tag 1 & 3, symptom B: tags 2,3 & 4 etc) and then see in the
cloud tag tiddler which tags (in this case nutritional suggestions)
should be given greater significance.

I don't know if this sort of quick and dirty analysis would be helpful
in non-healthcare type situations, but I'd certainly think it might.

On Feb 6, 10:34 pm, Dave Parker <cedar...@telus.net> wrote:
> Thanks Mans, I'd never heard of that one - I'll give it a try.

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