Hi yenny

There's a lot of usefull information at http://tiddlywiki.org
and Dave Gifford made http://www.giffmex.org/twfortherestofus.html

> IN tiddlyspots.com,how to insert graphics and images,for example I
> want to insert to a post.


> Is it possible to rename an entire tag bundle like delicious does?

The plugin RenameTagsPlugin does that.

> Is it possible edit tiddlyspot on any devices?

A tiddlywiki hosted at tiddlyspot can be edited from any browser which
can handle javascript -
I use the dolphin browser on my htc phone - most of the available
mobile browser will do the job!

> If I paste PHP code and C++ is there any chances of lossing the
> formatting?

It depends on what you mean by "loosing the formatting"??
If you want the <pre> code format - you simply write:
code text here

and it will be presented as monospaced text..

If you want syntaxhighlighting for different kinds of codetypes you
can try out Marios:
You'll need to import more tiddlers from
syntaxhighlighter.tiddlyspace.com to make it work - and you'll have to
embed three stylesheets into the stylesheettiddler. (read docs..)

> If I insert [[ ]] and append infront of Url what does it mean?

Double square brackets are used around tiddler titles which consist of
more than one word ie:

http://MyWiki.tiddlyspot.com/#[[My tiddler title]]
One worded title:

> When I tried to activate themes after I have installed how do I go
> about doing it?

It depends on what you mean by "having installed themes"...

If you have imported a systemTheme tagged tiddler you can activate it
by writing this url:
http://MyTW.tiddlyspot.com/#txtTheme:MyTheme OpenTiddlerTitlte
or you can set the TW to use the theme by default by writing:

in a tiddler tagged with systemConfig.

If you have several systemTheme tiddlers and want to switch from one
to another you should install Eric's

> Is there any plugins that can allow me to add extra boxes to the
> sidebar.It is like having an extra widget area in Wordpress where I
> want to place my calendar.

There is a deidicated tiddlywiki calenderplugin: 

If you want to embed a codesnippet which shows some widget in the
MainMenu, -> open the MainMenu tiddler and paste the code into the
textarea and enclose the code in HTML tags ie:
<html>my codesnippet</html>

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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