> > I can't find where "Definition list" are formated in the stylesheet
> > ;Title 1
> > :Definition of title 1
> > ;Title 2
> > :Definition of title 2
> > Could you please help me ?

As Colm mentioned, this markup generates dl (definition list), dt
(definition term) and dd (definition body) elements, so the
"formatting" (usually it is called "styling") you're referring to is
defined in style sheets in a syntax like the following:

dt { color: black; }
dd { color: grey; }

So you can play with this. Practically you don't need to find the
default definitions of styles (for setting your own) but if you do
need to see them, you can use some DOM inspector like FireBug (in
FireFox and others) or Opera DragonFly in Opera. The styles could be
defined in the shadowed stylesheets, but it seems not to be the case
(there's nothing in those and DragonFly tells me that the styles are
calculated using default browser styling and some styles which dd, dt
and dl inherit from the body element).

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