Hello everyone,

I'm noew to this list, though I have been using TW for about a year now and 
absolutely love it.

I've recently thought of a feature it doesn't have and which would be 
extremely useful to me. So I figured I'd write a plugin to add the 

However, I've never written anything in JavaScript, LOL. I do have some solid 
experience with HTML and php/MySQL, which helps a bit, as there are some 
similarities. And I spent a lot of time last night and today learning JS 
basics (gotta start somewhere) and looking at the TW source code.

So I wrote my plugin and I *think* it should work, except of course it doesn't 

My main problem is finding the bits and pieces I need in the code, since it's 
fairly complex and spread all over. Plus, I'm not really finding any 
developing tutorials on the web that are specifically aimed at TW. The best 
resource I've found so far is tiddlywiki.org, which is great, but far from 
complete at the moment and so doesn't quite answer (yet) all of my questions.

For instance, I can't figure out how to append some text at the end of the 
tagPrompt string. Can it even be done?

Also, when you first define a function at the beginning of a plugin, I see the 
standard format is to use 
function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler). I figured out 
place, macroName, params... and tiddler is obvious, but what are the other 

And, also, how do I know what exactly is going into params?

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