Hi Again

Thanks Mario.... I was not fully aware of those restrictions..... and
that is not my problem here. Must be in the browser setup.

In this case I am testing with two TWs in the same folder...so the
"domain" (file:///...) is exactly the same. And the data does not hold
when I refresh the TW in the same browser....so its not a domain/
source issue.

Just to explain.... this is in the context of a study system.....all
students using the same FF4/portable and data folders using
dropbox..... and I have them all set the course folder to the same
drive number (even those on pendrives)...so the domain should be the
same for evryone!!!!!..... although the FF4 is not in a shared dropbox
folder......so the localStorage should be different for each

Anyway...to get localStorage working....do I need a specific file with
the FF folder (profile???)...or change a about:config setting??


PMario escreveu:
> On Dec 29, 9:27 pm, skye riquelme <riquelme.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So, is localStore supported by TW.... or am I just going about it the
> > wrong way???
> IMO wrong way.
> The browser local store is bound to the same origin policy [1]. But TW
> is downloadable so what if I want to share data between file://TW1.html
> and http://TW1.html ?
> IMO local storeage is the wrong way.
> eg: Can you tell me, where the data is stored on your harddrive?
> Is it possible to get it working with all major browsers, the same
> way? [2][3] may be different with different browsers
> ....
> -m
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same_origin_policy
> [2] https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Same_origin_policy_for_JavaScript
> [3] https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Same-origin_policy_for_file%3A_URIs

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