On Jan 30, 2012, at 8:48 AM, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

> In terms of plugin distribution, I've come to believe that the present
> scattered nature of TiddlyWiki makes things needlessly hard for users.
> They have to find tiddlywiki.com, download the product, and then by
> reading the groups they have to figure out the sites that they need to
> visit to get the basic plugins that everyone relies on.
> So, for TW5, I'm interested in developing the idea of "core plugins"
> written by the community that become part of the standard distribution
> of tiddlywiki. You're not the first person to say "such and such a
> plugin is so incredibly useful that it should be in the core". The
> community tends to interpret it as a suggestion that the plugin or
> feature becomes part of the core code, because we don't have any other
> unit of distribution. And then it becomes a consideration of bytes vs.
> benefits, and the generality of the feature. I think we can avoid all
> of that by introducing the idea of the tiddlywiki distribution being
> made up of the core code plus a bunch of plugins evolved by the
> community.

That, together with the manual that was recently suggested would be fantastic. 
The amazingly flexible-adaptable TW would remain amazingly flexible-adaptable. 
The amazingly creative TW developer community could continue to find ways to 
exploit the amazing flexibility-adapatability. And it would all be MUCH more 
accessible to ordinary users.

Eric Weir

"Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position, 
but certainty is an absurd one."
- Voltaire

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