Hi sklpns e Mans

Hey guys thanks for those suggestions. As Mans said the
LaunchApplicationPLugin is quite a handy plugin and I have it working
well. As my students normally access the courses through Dropbox....I
can put applications that they may not have installed (like Freemind
mind-mapping) in a shared Dropbop folder and have LauchApps....open
it....so now they can run the program, even though they dont have it
installed in their computer.....

And sklpns...thnks for those directions about OpenOffice....I´ll check
that out imediately. Although I am not worried about using the iframe/
pdf route.......remember the TW is to be viewed by students...so a PDF
is great for them...and at the same time means that they cant mess
around with my original presentation....so suits me. And in fact I
starting to use TW itself as my presentation package.... which makes
life even easier...and TW as a presenter has some great


On 17 abr, 11:00, sklpns <skl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hey all
> this might be of some use as far as linking to files / folders within
> a tw goes (at least under win xp)
> http://blog.verg.es/2007/08/sendto-clipboard-coolness-tiddlywiki.html
> it creates two new items in the "Send To" menu (accessible with right
> click on the desired file in windows explorer). The first (clipboard -
> file url) copies the file (or folder) url  to the clipboard so it can
> then be pasted to tiddler as a link to the selected file/folder.
> it can also be customized to one's liking: in my case I've set a
> target attribute in the .hta file code, so that all the linked files
> open within an i-frame embedded in the tw.
> @skye
> maybe exporting open office files to pdf just for the shake of making
> them browser readable could be avoided. For me the following seem to
> work:  in the open office options menu (think you can find that in any
> of the oo applications) there's a tab called network or internet
> (can't say for sure as mine's not an english installation). Under that
> you should see the option to use the open office plugin for firefox by
> checking the relevant checkbox.
> Having done that, in the firefox options menu and in the applications
> tab make sure that all the open office related entries (or the ones
> you want i suppose) are set to open with the open office plugin (if
> they aren't try setting them manually using the scroll menu on the
> right).
> This should result in open office files being viewed within firefox.
> If the relevant links are set to open in an iframe embedded in the tw
> one doesn't even have to exit the tw environment at all. Only problem
> is that recent firefox versions have some visibility problems with
> open office files, especially within an i-frame, but nothing too
> dreary I suppose. In any case and until this gets somehow resolved I;m
> using ff portable version 3.6.24 for a project that relies heavily on
> showing oo files within an i-frame. I'm suspecting that showing the
> files in a new tab would not present major visibility issues.
> Furthermore: these guys here
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=d5644fc05b95a88eea5d17e70d69...
> explain how to use the open office firefox plugin to also view
> Microsoft office files within firefox! (see both pages of the thread)
> hope this makes sense and is somewhat useful
> cheers
> sklpns

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