> I also think there are too many buttons around the table and should figure 
>> a way to rearrange them. It sounds like a good idea to replace the delete 
>> button with a cut button, but I don't quite understand what "upon a cut 
>> would be changed into a paste" means. What I am thinking is something that 
>> is invisible most of the time and visible when the mouse is over a certain 
>> place (the corner of a table, for example), just like the pull-down menus 
>> that we already see in a lot of pages.
>> I thought of changing the 'x' of the delete button to a 'c' with the 
> addition of the 'cutting' ability to this button, - And which upon an 
> actual cutting of a column would change the 'c' into a 'p' for pasting in 
> this button available below every column. Which would bring the limitation 
> that actually only one column could be deleted/cutted at a time (since all 
> 'c' button change to 'p' after having it used for a cut). Therefore agree 
> that popup menus visible upon hovering would be really a better way.
> After working a bid more with TableEdtor I actually don't think the 
ability to cut and paste columns that much of a priority anymore. Though 
this really is one of the hardest things to do with TW table syntax, With 
TableEditor its actually not such a feast to accomplish anymore..-  If the 
need arises - then the cell contents can always be cut and pasted 
individually fairly easily and quickly too now. Also concerning how rare 
such a need really is.. ..and for not to bloat TableEditor unnecessarily 
with abilities not that often needed.

But what still is disrupting the workflow are the 'jump-ups' with a refresh 
of long table tiddlers after each row/column added/deleted. Though gladly 
this doesn't happen with every cell edited, but for example whenever cells 
are joined too (ie: after entering a '~' in a cell).


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