Hi Josh

Firstly, you should only get the appended numbers on tiddler titles if you
import a tiddler that already exists. So maybe you're importing twice, or

Secondly, you may be able to use the following technique to rescue your

1. Open your browsers developer tools and locate the JavaScript console
(it's in a different place on each browser; you'll know you've found the
right place if there's a prompt like ">" and if you type "2+2" you get "4"
2. Copy and paste the following, and press 'enter':

|| []).join(" "))})

I've put it in a pastebin too: http://pastebin.com/mgrp9stx

3. You should see a scrolling list of every tiddler you've got, and then
you can copy and paste elsewhere.

Let me know how you get on,

Best wishes


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:28 AM, Josh <yoshise...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> I thought as much (TW5 having a completely new plugin architecture).
> My use case is.
> TW5 release 14 occasionally refuses to save (see error), and I need a way
> to save the notes I have added before I last backed up. I know I can copy
> them all manually, and I will do that if there is no other solution. Just
> wanted to check with the community first.
> This happened to me once before last friday and this monday and I was
> still in the process of copying stuff back over from notepad.
> Can you please advise on the best way to save my work, or migrate from one
> version of TW5 to another? I would normally import from a file, however I
> have found that to give me duplicate tiddlers like Welcome1 Welcome2 (two
> copies of every note I made before etc).
> Any advise much appreciated. Thanks, Josh.
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7wNb8HLEfCE/Uo2H0bqc2yI/AAAAAAAABdU/GwVrZFpfaJE/s1600/ScreenShot00319.png>

Jeremy Ruston

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