I have a TW5 which includes a tiddler for "Class 01" and "Class 02". Class 
01 has a field named "classdate" and one named "classnum." Each class has 
readings which are documented in tiddlers such as "Readings 01" and 
assignments with tiddlers such as "Assignments 01" or "Assignments 02". 
Tiddler "Readings 01" has field named "classnum" whose value is "01". 
Readings and assignment tiddlers always have the classnum field with a 
number to the appropriate class. I want to create a class schedule from a 
list rather than retyping everything so I created the following nested list.

<$list filter="[has[classdate]sort[title]]" >
<$list filter="[classnum{!!classnum}scheduleorder[2]]"><$transclude 

The first line's list filter finds all tiddlers that have a field named 
"classdate" and lists them in alphabetical order. The second line's list 
filter finds all tiddlers that have the same "classnum" as the current 
tiddler. Specifically in this case, the first line returns "Class 01" as 
the first tiddler and the second line then determines what classnum that 
tiddler has and returns those tiddlers nested under "Class 01." The key 
part is [classnum{!!classnum}]. Tiddler "Class 01" has a classnum of 01 so 
[classnum[01]]. The following is the resultant list:

Class 01
- Readings 01
- Assignments 01
Class 02
- Readings 02
- Assignments 02

My class schedule list code looks like this in its entirety:

<$list filter="[has[classdate]sort[title]]" >
''<$view field="title" />''<br />Class Number: <$view field="classnum" /> 
-- Class Date: <$view field="classdate" /><ul><li>

Topic: <$list filter="[classnum{!!classnum}scheduleorder[1]]"><$transclude 
Readings<$list filter="[classnum{!!classnum}scheduleorder[2]]">

<$transclude />
Assignments Due<$list filter="[classnum{!!classnum}scheduleorder[3]]">

<$transclude />
Thinking Ahead<$list filter="[classnum{!!classnum}scheduleorder[4]]">

<$transclude />


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