As far as the request for linear documentation and tutorials is concerned, 
I would like to put in my humble support for the idea. I consider myself a 
medium level user in classic tiddlywiki. I have dabbled into javascript and 
tried (successfully) adding some useful functionality into my personal TWs. 
I have tried tweaking css and layout also. I thought that after my 
background I would be able to pickup TW5 quite easily. But unfortunately 
its not so. I haven't been able to figure much about TW5 yet. I am sure 
information is out there, but its not available at one place in a linear 

On Sunday, January 5, 2014 6:31:11 AM UTC+5:30, Leo Staley wrote:
> 1. First, I want to point out how Awesome I think y'all's work here on 
> Tiddlywiki is. On a scale of 1-10, you go up to eleven. Because of the 
> miscellaneous nature of my comments and questions here, I'm just tossing 
> them all in the regular group; i hope it doesn't rustle anybody's jimmies. 
> (So y'all know, I'm looking to use Tiddlywiki as a Personal Information 
> Manager, 
> <>and 
> a word processor and organizer for writing the multifarious types of 
> writing that I do. I would consider myself an bottom intermediate level 
> internet user, though, from your perspective, I may be no higher than a low 
> beginning level.)
> 2. So a few years ago, I was asking around a bit, and In a thread, Autosave, 
> Revision History, and the 
> Cloud<!search/autosave$20revision$20history$20and$20the$20cloud/tiddlywiki/Z0IWQ743ToY/ndaUNEqTqL0J>.
> This eventually led me to giewiki, by Poul 
> Staugaard<>, 
> which I've been using ever since. 
> Is there any way to make Tiddly5 autosave copies while you're working in 
> it, like giewiki does, so that, if my computer suddenly shut off, I 
> wouldn't lose most of my work? I have a habit of saving often, but it seems 
> that tragedies strike just on those occasions where I have forgotten to 
> save for the last 45 minutes of brilliant work. I use Sugarsync, an AWESOME 
> cloud service, which solves my cloud problems, but what about keeping 
> revision history of tiddlers in Tiddly5? 
> 2.5 ( I was going to ask about Permalinks, but I found that you already 
> addressed that in a question recently).
> 3. At Jeremy's suggestion from answering my question the other day, I was 
> trying to figure out how to do transclusion of tiddler contents into a 
> tiddler, but the documentation led me to the tiddler on "Tiddler Templates" 
> which had ... nothing there. Help? I found some of the documentation on 
>, but I'm still not sure I understand what I need to know for 
> how how to use Tiddler Templates. Would anybody be able to provide some 
> pre-built tiddler templates, so that I, a novice and a moron, wouldn't need 
> to make my own, crappy ones? And also tell me how to access them, etc?
> 4. Speaking of which, the GTD templates/apps. From what I can gather, 
> Tiddly5 is implementing a lot of the functionality and features introduced 
> by apps like dGSD and tbGTD, which is splendid! But, again, my greatest 
> need is the pre-packaged layout and setup. How would one migrate the dGSD 
> or tbGTD contents into Tiddly5? Has anybody built any GTD stuff using 
> Tiddly5 yet? 
> 5. Tagging. I realize that Tagging is one of the most powerful and robust 
> features of Tiddlywiki. That's the problem. There's SO much functionality, 
> I don't know how to use enough of it to use any of it effectively. Like 
> many people, I do great if I can see many examples, and learn by copying 
> and tweaking them, but with Tiddlywiki, I have to figure everything out 
> from the ground up, which is REALLY hard. :( Some more linear education 
> would be great. It's so easy to be researching, and accidentally wander 
> into an area much more advanced than my level, and then I start getting 
> confused, because I needed other information before I should have looked at 
> that advanced page. My humble, *humble *request is that you take some 
> time away from development and put it into documentation. Please take this 
> as the lone voice among thousands of things you have to consider, not as 
> the unreasonable demand of an irrelevant novice. I understand why a man 
> needs to make sacrifices in his priorities, because he has to consider so 
> many things and do so much in so little time for so many people. 
> 6. *In Tiddlywiki terms, *What's the difference between a widget, plugin, 
> a script, a macro, a formula, a module, a template, a theme, a system tag, 
> and an app? (did I miss any?) and which of these things, when taken from 
> TWC are most likely to be compatible with Tiddly5, which has such a 
> radically different core structure? 
> 7. Finally, I feel like I would much rather use Tiddlywiki as my blogging 
> platform than Wordpress or Blogger, But how might I seemlessly integrate 
> adwords or something similar? (this question is a low priority for now, 
> just tossing it out here because it came to me.)
> -Thank you very much, 
> Leo Staley 

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