TWC contains a copy of jQuery...

I'm actually using a modified version of TW called TiddlyWiki Write ( -- though I'm running an older version than the one listed on there at the moment (mine is from 2010).

So to be sure, I searched my TW file for jQuery and the only reference I found was this:

ServerLock.acquireLock = function() {,
{action: "lock", lockName: ServerLock.wikiName},

Processing that result once it is returned leads to other questions:
It is a single value? A list of records? Do you want to display it?
Store it? Calculate with it?

It would be a list of records to be displayed.

Truth is, I have a number of databases and I'm not entirely sure yet which one I'd be using with TW. Let's just say that at this stage I'm just seeing potential to do great things and am wondering how to go about it. So let's take a hypothetical DB as an example (they would all be used in the same fashion anyway).

As you might have guessed from the variant of TW I'm using, I'm a writer. So one of the DB's I have lists all the stuff I've written, where they've been published, dates, etc.

My current personal website uses TWW but the data in it is static. I'm thinking it would be much more efficient and less time-consuming to connect the TWW file to my DB.

Mind, I wouldn't need to do any DB updates through TWW, just querying it and displaying the data.

Example: I'd have a tiddler for each short story I've written (ideally these would be automatically created when I add a record to the DB, but I won't hold my breath on that one, ha! though I could probably pull it off through a php script on the php end, now that I think about it) and when I open said tiddler, it would go into the DB and grab the data that matches the record.

Then, if you click on, say, the name of the magazine the story was published in, you would get a new tiddler listing all the stories I've published in that magazine (also grabbed from the DB) plus other assorted information (like a description of the magazine and a link to the magazine's official website), etc.

Can you provide more details about your use-case?

Hope the above helps clarify what I have in mind.


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