Hi Alberto

I looked at 
> It's cool. I'm impressed. 

Thanks. Glad you like it. :-)

I wonder - do you know how I would hide columns in the (invisible) table 
depending on if there's a value for the field used to show text, when 
hitting a button?

I will use a skeleton for creating new tiddlers wich has predefined empty 
fields (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) . If a field is empty I would like to hide the 
corresponding column - and the button in it... 

Maybe it will work If I wrap a <td><button/></td>  in  <$list 
filter="[!fieldname[empty/no text value]]"/> 
like this: <$list filter="[tag[sang]!1[]]"><td><$button><$view 
field="1"/></$button></td></$list>  ??

I assume that you do things like that (hide elements based on whether there 
are named fields and/or field values) in your Tesis tw5 on TiddlySpot?

Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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