I don't think that's the problem.  The actual complete function is this:

  function tiddlerOfThis (element) {

since that function gets called like so:

  <input name=reschedule type=button value="reschedule" 
onClick="reschedule(tiddlerOfThis(this))" />

I was trying to make a minimal test case of sorts, by swapping in "this" where 
it would end up.

I've tried substituting in different code in the onClick handler; all the 
following work, whether they're called by pressing the button on the 
formTemplate itself or pressing it on a tiddler that uses the <<formTiddler 
...>> macro to use the formTemplate.

  alert("test! test!");

The following works on a derived tiddler, but not on the template tiddler:


so does this:


where "incDate" is a function that doesn't actually do anything with the 
argument it receives (I have changed a LOT of things around, trying to figure 
out what's going on; here is the current code):

  function incDate (dateStr) {
    var myDate = new Date();
    myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() + 1);

It *seems like* I could get the effect I need by writing an onClick handler 
like the following:

  onclick="tiddlerOfThis(this).setData('alertDate', calculatedValue(....));"

where of course calculatedValue() figures out what the new date value should 
be, based on the values that are passed to it.  But in addition to wanting to 
*understand* what I'm doing, it seems to me like splitting up a calculation 
that only gets performed in one context into two pieces is ugly, and to be 
avoided if possible.

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