Just an update for anyone else looking for this solution I had to also add 
the bags directory to the rewrite:

        location /bags/ {
                rewrite ^/bags/ $scheme://$server_name/wiki$uri permanent;

On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 11:48:45 UTC+8, JimyKK wrote:
> Hello again,
> So I am using Nginx to host my Tiddlywiki Node.js install in a 
> subdriectory i.e. https://mysite.com/wiki/
> It works fine and I can access, edit and save everything but every-time I 
> load the wiki I get a XMLHttpRequest error code: 404 popup (See attached 
> image)
> From my understanding nginx isn't passing the XMLHttpRequest properly. 
> Anyone know the appropriate configuration to fix this? My Google-fu has 
> failed me on this one.
> My simplistic config setup:
>         location  /wiki/ {
>                 proxy_pass;
>         }
> <https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-XOeFfsqVXvo/VGwRauCRnUI/AAAAAAAAEJU/Z2mzMn3Gyec/s1600/Untitled.png>

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