On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 6:29:47 AM UTC-5, Tobias Beer wrote:
> Hi Jed,
>> You could do something like I have shown here: Make Calendar Entry 
>> @inmysocks 
>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Finmysocks.tiddlyspot.com%2F%23Make%2520Calendar%2520Entry%3A%255B%255BMake%2520Calendar%2520Entry%255D%255D%2520%255B%255B2014%2520September%255D%255D%2520something%2520%255B%255BTest%2520Calendar%2520Thing%255D%255D&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNE-QLzIGU9G1h0u7oeb4Nnizhp7ww>
> That works. However, I don't see this as a very future-proof way of doing 
> things. I would prefer we started working on implementing a 
> date-(time-)picker that sets the desired date-field accordingly... and then 
> have appropriate filters to handle the desired query, e.g 
> *[date:modified[201501]]* (all where modified is in Jan 2015)*,* 
> *[week:1:0[201501]]* (the days of a given week in a month, starting 
> sunday so as to construct that calendar.
> No custom year, month, day fields.
> the magic required to make tiddlywiki automatically do the modular 
>> arithmetic required to auto-generate a calendar isn't something I want to 
>> deal with at the moment
> It is a kinda crude way to do it, I may get around to making something 
>> nicer in the future, but hopefully this helps for now.
> So, yes, I sure see how that is quite a challenge... and I think it's 
> entirely worthwhile. We need a core place to configure field-types and tell 
> TiddlyWiki that *journaldate* is a date field for which it is expected 
> not to use a simple input field but that date-picker in order to set it.
> Some more pondering on date filters...
> All tiddlers where the field journaldate is set to January 2015:
> <$list filter="[date:journaldate[201501]]"/>
> Yes, if you set the journaldate to "201501" the above filter works. 
 However, I get no useful information with the one below.  Guess I don't 
know how to implement it properly. see journalexample.tiddlyspot.com

A month calendar where field journaldate is set to January 2015.
> <table>
> <tr>
> <$list filter="Week Mo Tue Wed Thu Fr Sa Sun">
> <th><currentTiddler></th>
> </$list>
> </tr>
> <$list filter="[weeks[201501]]" variable="week">
> <tr>
> <th>
> <<week>>
> </th>
> <$list filter="[week:1:1:BLANKS[201501]]" variable="weekday_date">
> <td>
> <$list filter="[date<weekday_date>]"/>
> </td>
> </$list>
> </tr>
> </$list>
> The *weeks* filter returns all week numbers for a month.
> *[week:1:1:BLANKS[201501]] *supposedly returns a list of all days of 
> the...
>    - *first* week (1st suffix)
>    - starting *monday* (2nd suffix)
>    - returning *blanks* (3rd suffix)
>       - for any days that are actually not part of that month (yes, 
>       blanks!)
>       - which you may not want in a continuous calendar showing weeks only
>       - for *January 2015* (operand)
> Best wishes, Tobias.

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