Hi Felix,

Thanks for the prompt response! Replies inline.

> Thanks for sharing your use case. It is always valuable for me to get some 
> feedback on how TiddlyMap is used. Personally, I am acquainted with Scrum and 
> Kanban ("1st generation") but never came into touch with other agile 
> strategies. In case of drawing process diagramss, the next release of 
> TiddlyMap will feature the design of nodes, and add a GUI for styling edges 
> and nodes. But this release is not done yet as I have to carefully plan the 
> architecture, especially considering the usability.

No worries at all. I don't think TM should be confused with powerpoint. To give 
an example of what I don't imagine TM doing, here's my curliest big-picture 
diagram. I expect this kind of thing to remain in the realm of externalimages. 
When time permits I'm thinking it should become an imagemap that links to the 
appropriate tiddlers. Each of them would have a TM that illustrates its 
process. I haven't yet figured out the intricacies of imagemaps but I know gimp 
can generate 'em.

> Now while I like the idea that TM can display the backlinks, that would 
> require the user to shift their gaze from the story stream to the map.
> Well, actually no :) The dropdown button, (see attached screenshot in the 
> last post) is in the tiddler's toolbar in the story river (stream) and is 
> independent of the maps. So the user does not have to leave the stream/river.

Ah, my fault for not looking at it properly. I think there I'm worried about 
violating the principle-of-least-surprise - I think overloading the TM button 
will make users confused about its purpose. Also for me in xscale.wiki, because 
it's for a broad audience who mostly won't have skill/interest to set up the 
node server and grok github as a collaborative editing method, I don't think 
I'd expose the per-tiddler TM button anyway. Exposing the info pane set to 
References would also enable them to get at the other info-pane functionality 
which is presently a bit inobvious. Speaking purely for my own use-case.

> Hmm, so you are talking about a higher form of "live view" here right? Not 
> sure if I understand this correctly but you want
> a tab in the sidebar (or maybe the "map" tab) that,
> when a tiddler is 
> opened
> or scrolled into view,
> displays a certain view (map) that was manually created in advance?
> Well, I could add a tiddler field
> tmap.open-view
> that can be set to a view title so when the tiddler is opened or navigated 
> to, the map is opened...

Yes, that's it exactly. That way the live-view becomes the default place for 
people to see concepts illustrated, rather than trying to figure out why 
they're being asked to see the live view on the right and the embedded view on 
the left. The perception of complexity tends to turn people off. See my big 
picture above for an example of that!
> ...but you can also achieve this very easily with existing means, here you go:
> Create a new tiddler and tag it with "$:/tags/SideBar" so it appears in the 
> sidebar.
> Create a list that iterates over all views
> Put every map you want to link to inside a list widget and use a list filter 
> that checks for the focussed tiddler (HotZone Plugin) and the last tiddler in 
> the history (field in $:/HistoryList); use the "$:/temp/tmap/currentTiddler" 
> for that
> if a view exists with the name of your tiddler that is currently displayed, 
> display that view, otherwise, display a text.
> I think I should add this code to a "Useful TiddlyMap code snippets" section 
> in the docs...
Ah, but then I'll have to remember to edit things in multiple spots to achieve 
this. If I have no alternative I guess I will, but your tmap.open-view tiddler 
field seems a far tidier solution to me.

>> * Could we have a setting for the half-screen mode that hides the editing 
>> tools? I'm asking because the way I'm setting up at the moment only people 
>> who use github will be able to save, where the majority of users will only 
>> be navigating around on the public site - ?
> You could use css to hide the editing tools by using "display: none" e.g on 
> ".tmap-menu-bar" and "vis-manipulation".
> But I should add an option to have tiddlymap displayed in "no edit mode" 
> where a user can still select views. I will put that on my list.

I could do the css ... if my css-fu and tw-fu was a bit stronger. As getting my 
head around it takes me away from editing content, which is my focus at the 
moment, I'll probably limp along and wait for you. In general while I'm 
technically minded and will eventually come up to speed, I guess the more one 
relies on users doing CSS tricks the less users one has. 

But then in general I see the future of TW and TM as a world where editors run 
local node servers and share their work via github, exposing the result via 
github pages. To me this is such an appealing way to federate wikis and edits 
on wikis I wouldn't go near tiddlyspace/gollum. But then again I'm probably 
just being kinky ...


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