Hey Tobias,

every time I have a question  you come up with a plugin!

Seems to work great, even with my real case TW which has a rather peculiar 
set up.

Let me tell you, If I may, the kind of trouble this gets me out from:

Not knowing javascript or any kind of coding, in order to show an
html5 audio player (android compatible is the goal)
in my tw, in an audio player div, I basically have to:

1. Create an xml playlist with mp3 files
2. Create an html page with the player and host it somewhere
3. Iframe the aforementioned page in a tiddler in a separate TW
4. Iframe the aformentioned tiddler in my mainTW.

Same with flash, host the swf and xml files elsewhere and use them via
a separate, audio player repository TW.

Granted, coding knowledge would have reduced the red tape anyway.
The above set up is far from clever, it just works.

But if this plugin works like I think it will in my actual TW I can have 
playlists and players all in my main TW, which for me is awesome, albeit 
with the help of a pseudostory set up (opening player tiddlers in a 
separate pseudostory column).

Thank you very much Tobias, I really appreciate your help.


PS. Also great, people still getting involved with TWC.
Not having jumped the TW5 train yet, this is encouraging!

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