I'm a recent discoverer of TW5, and everything about it is magical. But 
this one hang up is approaching a deal breaker in my application.

I require taking screen shots of various things to include along the notes 
very frequently. Being used to OneNote, I grew to take the rapid fire 
ability to call up the snippet tool and pasting screenshots for granted.

In TW5, this what I have tried so far

   - The long route: taking a screen shot to clipboard --> using a 
   clipboard auto-save utility to automatically save it to a set location --> 
   importing the screenshots to TW5 --> the including the image with the 
   syntax. This may not be so bad if I had just a few images here or there I 
   wanted to document as part the notes, but it is not uncommon for me to take 
   10-30 screenshot in a given hour. You can imagine it quickly grinds the 
   whole process to a halt
   - The alternative route: installed CKEditor with VisualEditor plugin. It 
   enables direct image pasting. The downside is that I can't use Wiki syntax 

Either compromise is very undesirable.

Any suggestions on what else I may try to get around the issue?

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