Hi all

A big thanks to Jeremy, for the shout out on the last hangout. 

I mentioned earlier in this thread that I managed to find an easier, more 
TiddlyWiki way to do static publishing like I did with the Spanish, 3 John 
resource. I wanted to let you all see something I did with it. Another 
Spanish static resource, this time on John the Baptist: 

Here is the link to the TW file I used to create it: 


On Friday, November 27, 2015 at 10:01:59 AM UTC-6, David Gifford wrote:
> Hi all
> Just wanted to show you all what I did for my Spanish web publishing with 
> TiddlyWiki:
> http://recursos.giffmex.org/bi/3.juan.movil.html
> I used a TiddlyWiki to generate this as a long static tiddler of 
> transcluded tiddlers with html anchors and page breaks. This has the 
> advantage of being light and mobile friendly (the above file is 146kb), is 
> easy to navigate, allows for some control on printing results, and allows 
> me to update easily by editing the transcluded tiddlers, then exporting the 
> big tiddler as static again.
> In the table of contents of the static tiddler, each section has a link to 
> an anchor, and the page # in parenthesis for the printed version.
> *Section A ''<a href="#section.a">(3)</a>''
> Then the tiddler for each section is transcluded into the main tiddler 
> with 4 items:
> 1. The first line below is the anchor referenced from the table of 
> contents.
> 2. The first part of the second line is a section heading.
> 3. The second part of the second line is a link to the table of contents 
> anchor, so one can quickly navigate back up.
> 4. The third line (which I only include where necessary) is a page break 
> to aid when printing.
> <a name="section.a"></a> 
> !!Section A header <a href="#toc">{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}}</a>
> <p class="indent1"><$transclude tiddler="Tiddler for section A" 
> mode="block"></$transclude></p>
> <html><p style= "page-break-after:always; "></p></html>
> One odd thing is that the indenting of the transcluded tiddler works 
> correctly in my local file, but when I turn it into a static, the tiddler 
> contents move flush left, lined up with the section header rather than 
> indented slightly. Not sure why that is.
> If you try this, remember that clicking on an anchor link in your 
> TiddlyWiki will open a tiddler with the anchor name, rather than the 
> anchor. The anchors only kick in correctly after you generate the static 
> tiddler.
> Also, one drawback is that if I add pages toward the beginning, I will 
> need to manually update the page numbers in the table of contents. But in 
> this case, I m pretty much done, so this is not a problem.
> Maybe for some of you, this is not a big deal, and maybe you can think of 
> 15 easier ways to do this (feel free to share them!), but for me this is 
> the culmination of what I want to do with my Spanish resources from here on 
> out. Something light, printable, navigatable, and fairly easy to update. 
> Just wanted to share my joy with you guys. Feel like I achieved what I 
> wanted, and didn't even need to ask a ton of questions around here to get 
> it done.
> Blessings
> Dave

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