Hi all

Using Tobias Beer's Xlist plugin, I created a viewtemplate tiddler with

<<xlist filter:"[all[current]tagging[]]" groups:"[tag[Domains]sort[]]">>

And this gives me all the tiddlers tagging to current, and grouped by 
domains (people, places, events, etc). Works great. So for the Socrates 
tiddler, I get Athens listed under Places and Socratic method listed under 

However, this means I must always open each related tiddler and tag them 
Socrates for them to appear there.

I am wondering if there is a filter operator that could go in both 
directions, so it doesn't matter which of the two connected tiddlers has 
the tag to the other. That is, listing all tiddlers tagging to the current 
tiddler AND those tiddlers that are tags of the current tiddler, listed by 
the domain of the non-current tiddler.


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