Ciao Danielo & Mat

I am really fascinated by this & will try it out in detail.

WHY? Perhaps not for reasons others might.

I find it really interesting as a possible way to get away from all the 
browser & platform plugins. 

As far as i understand in Danielo has developed a way of saving tiddlers 
that is NEITHER directly dependent on servers NOR on browsers add ons.

Is that so? If so it approaches & facilitates a uniform user experience 
across platforms and offline/online.

At the very least its indicative a UNIVERSAL "Out-of-the-box" TW may well 
work & can get round browser limits. Why have loads of variant ways when 
ONE will do?

Best wishes

On Monday, 22 August 2016 17:13:15 UTC+2, Danielo Rodríguez wrote:
> Hello Mat, first of all, thank you for your valuable feedback. You have a 
> very good eye for detail and usually spot ideas and issues that no one else 
> does, so thanks in advance.
> El domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016, 23:54:40 (UTC+2), Mat escribió:
>> it is funny how other peoples projects can just be so much more difficult 
>> to understand. 
> Things are usually clear for the ones who envision them, but it is hard to 
> translate that idea.
>> When using NoteSelf locally you don't have to save, because this is done 
>> automatically. If wanting to save in cloud, you must still click save.
>> Normal local TW doesn't save automatically so one must click save both 
>> for local and for cloud save.
> Reading again your sentence to be able to answer you accordingly I just 
> realized about the source of your confusion (I think). The point is to not 
> store anything on the TW file, nothing, zero, and save everything on the 
>  local pouch database, the sync adaptor takes care of that. If you have a 
> cloud configured for the currently selected database (you can have several 
> databases) you just have to login. Once you are logged in ,cloud sync will 
> happen automatically in background. A possible analogy could be a node wiki 
> that saves tiddlers to a dropbox folder and dropbox takes care of syncing 
> those files to dropbox servers and across devices.
>> This local autosave is of course good - but am I missing something? I 
>> mean, its not THAT difficult to click save every now and then, so is there 
>> more to it? 
>> Admittedly my Win10 crashes even more often than FF these days so 
>> auto-stored work would really be good on those occasions.
> It is not only about autosave. It's about synchronization, having several 
> databases in one single TW, is about not having to download anything OR 
> downloading it if you want. Basically all what TW is but adding 
> synchronization to the mix. 
> The MAIN difference between storing a wiki online in tiddlyspot and using 
> NoteSelf is that you don't need to be online to use NoteSelf. You can 
> download NoteSelf to your computer, configure a remote server and work 
> totally offline. When you back online, all your data is synced to the 
> remote database. Then, in another computer you can just use the online 
> version of NoteSelf, configure the same remote server and get the same data 
> synced to that instance. 
> Currently I use NoteSelf on my work, and on my home I also use it but I 
> have two databases configured (in the same file) one that syncs with my 
> work DB and another that Syncs to my personal one, without mixing any data 
> or having several files.
> NoteSelf arises from my need of being able to take small notes on my 
> mobile or tablet and have them available on my computer and the other way 
> round. Using dropbox for this task is not a good option because:
>    - Syncing an entire file of 5MB each time I take a small note is 
>    totally overkilling. Specially on my phone and my limited data plan.
>    - When I take a note on my tablet it can take some time until I 
>    connect it to a wifi network. On that time I may forget that I did a 
> change 
>    on my tablet, make a change on my computer and -BOM- you have a file 
>    conflict on the best case, and loss of information in the worst.
>    - Keeping a wiki in sync across several devices, even using dropbox, 
>    could be a nightmare.  
>> When contrasting NoteSelf to Evernote I can see tremendous advantages 
>> with NoteSelf, but those are more from native TW than NoteSelf - or? 
> As it's said on the page, I took the best of TW and added sync to the mix, 
> so yes, most of the advantages comes from TW. But, the idea is to provide 
> not just a TW edition, but a small ecosystem. I have plans to build an 
> android application, a chrome app and maybe an ad-hoc server for making 
> this easier for novice users.
> Some of other advantages that are on the roadmap are:
>    - Synchronization of plugins. This means that each database (you can 
>    understand it as NoteBooks) can have it's own set of plugins that will be 
>    synced across your devices. And switching between databases means also 
>    loading different plugins and customizations.
>    - Tiddlers revisions. This is happening right now, but there is no 
>    interface to easily switch between revisions
>> Now, that said, I notice the FAQ question: "How can I sync multiple 
>> devices?" - now *that* would be really cool, i.e if one didn't have to 
>> upload 
> I just realized that I didn't included this feature in the features list, 
> which is a tremendous error, specially because it is the MAIN focus of the 
> entire thing.
>> anything but NoteSelf was "riding on" the automatically synching that 
>> browsers do if one is logged into ones own browser account. That would make 
>> a kind of tiddly-intra-net between all ones own devices and that autosynchs 
>> whenever one is online. *Very *useful!
> That is indeed a good idea Mat, but I think that is extensions territory. 
> I have been investigating about it and (as usual) there are lots of 
> restrictions imposed by the browsers, and the APIs are only accessible to 
> extensions. 
> Thank you very Much Mat, and hope you give NoteSelf a try, your feedback 
> would be very valuable.

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