To you and for some members of the Tiddlywiki community, this quiz, as I 
left ,for your perusal, the edit button active, you are right that it may 
easy to cheat.

But in real life, without any button accessible, when you take a tasting 
course outside of your home (a restaurant, a wine domain etc) and the only 
tool you have is your smarphone, and the first guy  who answers correctly 
wins, we strongly believe that opening the code source, finding the 
questions and the rules used in it is much too long and unreadable for non 
geek people.

You are quite optimistic about the percentage of people in the world able 
to recognize Tiddlywiki structure and to navigate easily in a file wihich 
is more than 5 GO long and partly encrypted.

And by the way,  please tell me how you call control -U on your smartphone, 
because we don't.

Lastly, we don't deal with business secrets, personal data or state 
confidential matters. It is a game, just a test to see if you enjoyed your 
tasting and remember what you were supposed to listen to.


Le dimanche 25 septembre 2016 18:38:12 UTC+2, Tobias Beer a écrit :
> Hi JCG,
>> Here we are :
> Nice, but it looks like it's rather easy to cheat :D
> Best wishes,
> Tobias.

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