Hi Jan, 

> For Desktop screens it is practical to have the Sidebar next to and not 
> above the Storyriver. Is it possible to change this?
Yeah Sure. 
1. Open Control Panel > Appearance > Theme Tweaks
2. Find the values Story right and Story Width. Change it to Story right = 
71% and Story width=70%. Now you can have Sidebar next to story river in 
the desktop. Tweak the values to your liking.

PS: You might find that search box is a bit larger for such a setting. If 
you want to solve that, Open $:/themes/ghostwriter/stylesheet/main, find 
".tc-sidebar-lists .tc-search .tc-popup-handle { width: 60%; }" and change 
its value to 40% or something. 

Am I doing something wrong or is it not possible to switch back via the 
> Theme-Switch in the controls.

Only those themes appear in Theme-Switch which you have packed and 
installed as a plugin. If you want to remove ghostwriter, here is the steps.
1. Follow the instructions above and set the values of Story right =71% and 
Story width= 70%. This will avoid a minor inconvieniece later.
2. Now open Advanced Search > Filter tab. Search using 
3. Delete all the search results using the delete button that appears right 
to the search box.

Let me know if these worked for you.


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