Hi jwd

Wow!! This is the kinda discussion I was hoping would ensue. Your 
suggestions make perfect sense. I must admit I was looking at the whole 
scenario like this - user would pick a theme and create a blog out of it. 
If they want to change the theme they will copy the entire blog-post 
tiddlers to a different theme folder. But what your approach is a better 
way I must admit. 

A central folder with all blog posts. The theme can be brought in with an 
includewiki field in tiddlywiki.info. That way if the user wants to change 
the theme, all he has to do is change the single field. Yes, that is more 

The folder structure would be something like
        tiddlers -containing all the blog-posts.

Yeah, it might be a little scary. But look at it this way, if there is 
enough traction for the "tiddlywiki as a static site generator" - we can 
probably put together a simple app or something that can manipulate 
tiddlywiki.info. A getting started kinda stuff, where user can choose a 
theme from a dropdown. 

Also where will the final output go? A folder at the level of themes and 
tiddlers? Or a subfolder under each theme. Each has its own merits. If it 
is at the level of themes - user can set that folder up as a github repo 
and update his blog as usual, even if he changes the theme entirely. The 
other approach will make sure that even if we mess up the change of theme, 
our old blog posts are still there in a different folder.

Your counter-point also gives an insight - what if the new template/theme 
demands a different set of configurations. The user cannot be expected to 
go back and add the new settings to all the blog-post tiddlers. I guess we 
can tackle this with some kind of rule set that defines what all 
configurations can a theme have. 

This is exciting. 

> I leave the question of why there are different Post Sets to another 
time. The key observation is there does not seem to be anything theme 
specific in any of those tiddlers.

Do not worry about the demo tiddlers. I merely wanted to see how the blogs 
would look if there are lot of tiddlers. So I decided to create a lot of 
blog posts. But I was lazy, I automated the process of creating copy of 
tiddlers with terminal. This is what resulted in "Post sets". As I said, do 
not pay any heed to them. 

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