I love using Node.js with TiddlyWIki. I especially like the fact that I can 
run the same wiki on several devices and save the tiddlers to a google 
drive folder that I can then use Google Drive sync to sync my desktop to 
Google Drive and various android folder sync apps to keep those devices in 
sync.(At some point I'd like to look into using rsync with Termux to do the 
file syncing, but I'm not there yet.)

One thing I've noticed is that a tiddler created on one device may not look 
like it is available on another, even if the tiddler file is present. 

I've found that if I restart my nodejs tiddlywiki server that it apparently 
performs some sort of a file list refresh or rebuild of my tiddlers and 
then the new tiddler is available for viewing and editing.

What I'm wondering is if there is any other way to refresh the local 
TiddlyWiki or force it to reread the tiddler folder so that new .tid files 
are added to its cache or file list that it builds, or is restarting the 
server the best way to accomplish this.

Thanks in advance for sharing your expertise.

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