
Is there a way to transclude <<actionTiddler>>'s text or <$set> its text to 
a variable?

Since <<actionTiddler>> is short-lived, in that it's created on drag and 
destroyed on drop, I assume that transcluding and setting its text to a 
variable would need to be performed using some kind of an <$action> within 
the <$droppable> widget.

The problem I have is that I'm unable to transclude <<actionTiddler>> in 
any way at all, even in that short period of time when this tiddler exists.

I can manipulate the <<actionTiddler>> itself (set its fields etc) but not 
read anything from it. Is that by design or is there a way to pass 
<<actionTiddler>>'s text, fields etc further?

In the example code below I'm trying to set <<actionTiddler>>'s text to a 
tiddler called _temp, however in this way I'm only settings its title, 
because {{actionTiddler}} would not work:

\define OnDrop()
<$action-setfield $tiddler=_temp text=<<actionTiddler>>/>

<$droppable actions=<<OnDrop>>>
drop here

<<list-links filter:"[tag[test]]">>

Thank you in advance for your suggestions!


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