I'm trying TW from an Apache WebDAV server.  I'm getting
    Error while saving:
    XMLHttpRequest error code: 412

All I did was to load a brand new TW file into my browser via, add a new tiddler, and let the 
auto-save do its thing.  I did no concurrent updating from another browser 
or on the server.  I tried 3 times (starting with a new browser each time).

I *think* my WebDAV is configured correctly:

   - I connected to it via Mac Finder, and added/deleted/renamed files 
   without error.
   - I was able to retrieve a file via: curl --user "userid:password" 
   http://myserver/webdav/testfile.html --digest -o testfile.html
   - I was able to put a file via: curl --user "userid:password" 
   http://myserver/webdav/ --upload-file testfile.html --digest

When I look at the Apache access log I notice these two PUTs (first is the 
TW put; second is the curl put):

   - "PUT /webdav/testfile.html HTTP/1.1" 412 558 
   ""; "Mozilla/5.0 blah-blah"
   - "PUT /webdav/testfile.html HTTP/1.1" 204 289 "-" "curl/7.54.0"
Clearly, the difference in the PUT request formats triggers a 412 error 
when TW PUTs the data.

The Apache webdav and DavLock folders are owned and writable by www-data.  
The DavLock db and the document files are owned and writable by www-data.

What am I doing wrong?  

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