Hi Tony and Mark, thanks for helping.  

I think it was reboot + cruft removal for the win. At least so far the 
responsiveness is back to normal.  Cruft removal brings the folder size 
down to 35 Mb instead of 12Mb.

I was curious about the images to text/media ratio.  I have a combined 
total of about 21 megs in image files, mp3 files, and config tiddlers.  The 
other 14 M are all basically text tiddlers, and 14 Mb is a lot less than 
the 120 of yesterday but still pretty substantial.  The largest two text 
tiddlers are 188kb and 51kb.  The larger one is a long string of notes I 
took in Zotero, copypastaed into TW classic about 2009, and imported into 
TW5 when I upgraded from classic.  It is all text with some formatting as 
far as I can see. The next one is all notes on a particular book.  I do a 
lot of quotes with comments from books and articles so I don't have to dig 
out the original every time I write "real" stuff from my notes, so it is 
not like I type everything.  It is probably a couple of volumes worth of 
linear text but not an encyclopedia.  I write for a living and have used TW 
since 2006 for my notes and ideas, so there really is a lot of text.    

I'd be curious to know where the max memory settings are for Chrome, I 
think FF has a setting in the regular settings menu to only load pages on 
focus, which saves a lot of memory.  On Chrome, I use an extension called "Tiny 
which will suspend the tab after x minutes, replacing it in memory with a 
tiny URI file that brings back the page from the web on focus.  It can be 
turned off per page, which is a good idea on TW5 because it is writable and 
gives a warning everytime Tiny Suspender goes into action, which is a 
pain.  I seldom run out of memory and know immediately when I have.  After 
a reboot, loading all my Chrome pages w/ tiny suspender active on 
everything but gmail and TW5, I only use up 4.5 gigs.  Even if the whole 
120 megs is loading, it should be fine once it is in, but as I said, I 
don't think everything has to load at once on Node.js, just the core and 
whatever tiddlers are open, which is one of the reasons I use it.

On Sunday, October 21, 2018 at 3:38:43 PM UTC-10, TonyM wrote:
> Rich,
> Remember the browsers have their own internal memory setting that stop 
> them consuming too much of the host computers memory resources. Chrome and 
> FireFox have settings that allow this to be increased, especially 
> appropriate to TiddlyWiki users who's key application is the browser and 
> TiddlyWikis within that. These browser limits met I was just not utilising 
> the 16GB on my laptop, upping these has helped me, but is likely to help 
> you more if your computer has the RAM.
> I would be interested to know where you use the most memory in your 
> tiddlywikis, because the size you have could be a thousand encyclopedias, 
> do you include media and images? Few people could write one encyclopedia in 
> a life time, 
> Regards
> Tony
> On Monday, October 22, 2018 at 11:01:02 AM UTC+11, Rich wrote:
>> On Sunday, October 21, 2018 at 3:49:30 AM UTC-10, Jed Carty wrote:
>>> I am not surprised that the tiddler tool thing I made doesn't do well 
>>> with that many tiddlers, there are probably a lot of recursion  errors. 
>>> Check if there are any edited tiddlers, they would start with 
>>> $:/plugin/inmysocks/
>>> Hi Thanks Jed, 
>> I deleted all the $_plugins/inmysocks/ tiddlers from the tiddlers folder, 
>> and there are not any $:/plugin... files at all (probably different 
>> characters allowed on nodejs/linux)
>> On Sunday, October 21, 2018 at 3:49:30 AM UTC-10, Jed Carty wrote:
>>> I am not surprised that the tiddler tool thing I made doesn't do well 
>>> with that many tiddlers, there are probably a lot of recursion  errors. 
>>> Check if there are any edited tiddlers, they would start with 
>>> $:/plugin/inmysocks/
>> ~~~
>> Mark S wrote:
>> I'm stunned with that 120meg number. That's 12x larger than I would call 
>>> top-normal. But maybe results on Linux are better (haven't tested there 
>>> yet). How much system memory do you have?
>> Thanks Mark, 
>> I have been keeping notes and writing in TW since 2006.  Some of the megs 
>> are from images, but there is a lot of text too.  Eventually, three major 
>> publications should come out of it: two books and the Great American 
>> Hypertext Novel :) along with a bunch of subgroups on sound and hearing and 
>> technology and mediation.
>> Memory: 16 gigs, but I think one advantage of nodejs is that the tiddlers 
>> are not all one file, so it does not load the whole thing into memory at 
>> once.
>> After your crash, did you check your memory? Did you reboot your system? 
>>> Or close out your browser? For me FF steals memory growing larger over 
>>> time. I believe this happens both in Windows and Linux (though to a smaller 
>>> extent). It has to be periodically reset, and it does appear that TW 
>>> exercises it more.
>> Did not check memory immediately after the crash, but when linux moves to 
>> swap, it slows everything down (even with SSD swap space), this is only 
>> slowing down TW5.  Everything else is running fine.  Don't use FF often for 
>> TW5, but checking in FF on a fresh start, it is slowed down there too, with 
>> the side effect of eating more memory than Chrome in this case.  
>> Didn't think to reboot and I may have not restarted Chrome either.  will 
>> try and see if it fixes things.  MS-DOS advice to the rescue!  My bet is 
>> this fixes it :)  I still always forget to try it.
>> In your notes you say you added text slicer, but it sounds like you may 
>>> have also run it? Which would presumably increase the number of tiddlers.  
>> I have run the text slicer on one file and it increased the file count to 
>> 1185, so I am a bit concerned about that in the long run.  the 985 count 
>> was pre-slice.
>> I don't know about TiddlerTools, but I have encountered other plugins 
>>> that generate system tiddlers behind the scenes. Does your tiddler count 
>>> include system tiddlers? You can use a filter like [all[tiddlers]count[]] 
>>> in the advanced search to get a full count.
>> Felix Hayashi's TiddlyMap is generating some files, but I have been using 
>> that without issue for a long time. Did just update it though so I will 
>> check with him about removing these files.  The filter you gave counts 1129 
>> tiddlers, 56 *less* than in the file folder count.  I found 42 conflict 
>> resolution files from DropBox that are a byproduct of using the wiki on 
>> different computers.  They are not counted by TW5 and I removed them to a 
>> backup folder, but they have also been a part of the workflow for years 
>> without issue.  the others are probably retired media files or something.  
>> Good luck!
>> Thanks! will update after reboot
>> ~Rich

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