That's a good point about the second line.  You're right, it only works if 
there's at least 2 lines if you use that code.  I switched it to 
sed -i "1icreated: ${longdate}" """$fullname"""

and it still works because the title is already in place in the file, and 
even if there's only the one line, the initial "tags" like title, created, 
modified, tags all automagically get resorted by the TW mechanisms anyway 
(i.e. the "created; bla bla" line would now be first and the "title" line 
second (which would be maintained anyway seeing as it ends up alphabetized))

Right now the script I use is a little gui dialog (bash script) triggered 
by a keyboard combination.  It makes use of the fabulous linux dialog 
program called Yad (short for "Yet another dialog").  If TW didn't exist 
I'd probably have dived all in with my notes in that.  If anyone is 
interested I'll post my script, but there are a few tricky dependencies for 
yad; I'm not sure if anyone here would be using it currently...

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