Thanks Jeremy and JWD.  I got busy with other things but will see if I can 
sort this out today.  My guess is that I accidentally put the space in the 
shebang line, which would explain why the launcher failed but the command 
line worked.  WIll try out all the other good suggestions too.  Thanks as 

On Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 10:15:50 PM UTC-10, Rich wrote:
> Tiddlywiki  5.1.20 prerelease on nodjs on manjaro linux
> I have a little bash script that runs on starting the system or that I 
> manually run to reload TW after updates and such.  The script has worked 
> fine to this point, and if I run it from the command line it still works, 
> but when I launch it from its desktop file without going to a terminal it 
> refuses to start. Although it shows up in the system monitor, the browser 
> won't load the page, indicating that the node server did not actually start 
> serving anything.
> Here is the refiddle script:
>  #! /bin/bash
> #restart TiddlyWIki node.js server after updates
> killall node
> tiddlywiki /home/rich/Dropbox/FiddlyWiki --server $:/core/save/lazy-all
> I can't use the newer --listen directive in place of server bacause it 
> does not recognize the lazy loading param at the end while --server still 
> does.
> If I run from command line or alt-f2 with full path it runs fine, but it 
> fails to run when launched from the .desktop file below.  I only updated 
> TW, not the script or desktop file, both of which worked fine before the 
> update as far as I can tell.
> .desktop launcher:
> #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
> [Desktop Entry]
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Name=refiddle
> Categories=Acessories
> Exec=/home/rich/bin/refiddle
> Icon=/usr/share/icons/HighContrast/scalable/actions/view-refresh.svg
> StartupNotify=false
> Terminal=false
> Type=Application
> Comment=Restart FiddlyWiki
> I tried a few things but am basically stumped as to why it is failing.  
> ANyone have any ideas?

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