That is really neat, I had no idea you could do that.

Will the server pick up any correctly formatted raw Json object w/ !!title, 
Or only those in the plugin folder with *.info extentions?

That deserves some testing and reading the source.

Joshua Fontany

On Friday, March 1, 2019 at 1:34:31 PM UTC-8, mauloop wrote:
> Hi, Joshua.
> Just tested. Good work. It looks like if quite all of the strange 
> behaviours a noticed with 2.0.2 + Tiddlymap has been solved. It still 
> pretends to initialize Tiddlymap environment every time I reload the wiki. 
> This happens with my test enviroment (the same I used for my test with 
> 2.0.2 <!topic/tiddlywiki/ZiFBwS_hplE>), 
> but it does not with my real "production" wiki. 
> This should be investigated further, but by now it is not blocking for me. 
> Thank you very much for your help.
> )+(
> P.S.: I have one more question (or maybe a suggestion). I use to load 
> plugins via In my tiddlywiki\plugins\plugin_name folders 
> I just put a single file. The I use is derived 
> from the plugin tiddler reworked in a way that turns the fields in the .tid 
> header into json keys. I attach the file I use for 
> JsonMangler as an example. I found that this format makes it easier to 
> distribute plugins than the github tree as in your Is there 
> anything wrong in my approach?

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