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On Thursday, 2 May 2019 17:02:16 UTC+2, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> Jed's BobEXE is immensely rich. Its possible usage is vast. I think there 
> is room for secondary utility notes like these.
> *If I know they are helpful I'll happily make a more permanent website for 
> them. *
> I also think its useful for Jed to see as he doesn't use Windows much, but 
> its all I use ...
> So here are my revised tips based on the more recent releases of Bob. Most 
> relate to configuration.
> Best, Josiah
> ------------------------------
> Read this to get an overview of Bob setup! (read in Bob)
> $:/plugins/OokTech/Bob/Configuration gives basic details on settings that 
> is very helpful to understand the richness & flexibility of Bob.
> It is very helpful to refer to.
> ------------------------------
> Ensure Bob is portable ()
> $:/plugins/OokTech/Bob/ManualSettingsTab change the default path to the 
> Bob executable from the absolute to the relative "wikiPathBase": ".",
> Portability for Bob is *excellent*. Just make sure you only enter 
> relative paths.
> ------------------------------
> How to launch Bob from the PortableApps platform
> *Simple*: Just install BobWin.exe in a directory under PortableApps. The 
> only issue with this is that your wikis will be inside the executable area 
> of PortableApps.
> *Sophisticated*: If you want to launch Bob from PortableApps but locate 
> it outside it, so your wikis are not inside the executables area of PA, 
> then you can do so by compiling a batch file to launch it. 
> PortableApps don't see batch files as executable so you need to create a 
> batch file and compile it. 
> A good Windows batch file compiler is: Bat to Exe 
> <>.
> Once you have a compiled batch file for launching Bob then simply place it 
> in a PortableApps program directory and it will appear (on refresh) as a 
> menu option.
> *The next item gives an example batch file for launching Bob.*
> ------------------------------
> How to launch Bob from a batch file and why?
> Below is a bob.bat batch file is an example of how to launch Bob within a 
> command processor. 
> The advantage is that IF Bob exits without warning it can return any 
> closing error message that the parent command processor can display that 
> otherwise would be lost.
> The paths in this example Windows batch file are *relative*.
> ::[see for batch file options] 
> @echo off 
> color 0E 
> mode con: cols=150 
> echo:echo --- Change to Bob's directory from PortableApps --- 
> cd ..\..\..\tw5\bob\ 
> cd 
> echo: 
> echo --- Launch BobEXE --------------------------------- 
> title BobEXE: TiddlyWiki Server 
> cmd /K "BobWin.exe"
> ------------------------------
> Pathing & Bob scripts
> "Scripts" in Bob provide a gateway to the OS ... Defined under: 'Bob 
> Settings > Manual Settings > "scripts"' in the MAIN wiki. These are usable 
> from any Wiki run by Bob... For example, in a wiki you launch a "script" 
> via...
> <$action-websocketmessage $type=runScript name=xxxxx opt1=yy opt2=zz .... 
> />
> The "runScript" action is executed always *in the directory where the Bob 
> executable is* (WBEI). This means that relative pathing to a program you 
> are invoking is always reliably relative to WBEI.
> NOTE: *Something you need to notice is that the program invoked may run 
> itself in WBEI. But it may NOT. It depends on the program. Some Windows 
> programs will only execute in their home directories, not in WBEI. **What 
> is the significance? It means if you are using relative addressing, if you 
> pass parameters on "files to use" to the program, the path to them needs to 
> vary according to whether they run in WBEI or from their home directory.*
> ------------------------------
> Relative paths & Bob's "buildHTMLWiki"
> Its worth noting that ...
> <$action-websocketmessage $type='buildHTMLWiki' outputFolder=<<sfTo>> 
> outputName=<<sfName>> excludeList=<<getSetting excludeList>> />
> ... the "outputFolder" is created through an address "*Relative to the 
> Wiki*" being built, NOT relative to the executable that runs Bob.
> ------------------------------
> The benefit of the "suppressBrowser" setting 
> Lets say you have five TW created in Bob ... But you only work with them 
> in Firefox–even though your default browser is Chrome. 
> Its easy to set up so Chrome won't get in the way.
> In FF open all the Bob TW you want to use. Set it to "Open last session on 
> startup". If you initiate Bob first, before the FF browser starts, FF will 
> load them on start.
> Once you can see it works add this to Bob settings ... "suppressBrowser": 
> "true".
> ----
> Any comments to improve these notes would be appreciated.

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