I don't think 


can be depended on to sort correctly. It might work occasionally , 
depending on your browser implementation. I think for 
a reliable sort you have to use multiple list widgets, each nesting the 
inner one as shown in the original discussion.

My solution would be to make a button that would allow you to create a 
"sortby" field for all your entries, and then sort by that field. This 
would of course
mean that you have to remember to press the "Sort" button to refresh your 
list from time to time. For some reason, the idea that you have to 
press a button before getting a result, something familiar to anyone who's 
ever had to refresh a web page or calculations in a spreadsheet,
seems to invoke pure horror among some individuals ;-)

On Sunday, July 7, 2019 at 11:56:32 AM UTC-7, Aidan Grey wrote:
> Doesn't work for me anymore either.
> On Friday, March 16, 2018 at 3:20:39 AM UTC-6, Yaisog Bonegnasher wrote:
>> Hi Tobias,
>> I used to make use of the "simple" doublesort, but I noticed that it 
>> doesn't work for me anymore. I'm currently on 5.1.15. I do not know when it 
>> stopped working.
>> Can you confirm this or is it my installation of TW5?
>> Best regards,
>> Yaisog
>> On Friday, December 18, 2015 at 1:27:39 AM UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:
>>> Hi again Tim,
>>> Quoting myself from 
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/pU2Hb-I9y0k/MIwHNOj_BgAJ:
>>> *On Friday, 18 December 2015 01:24:59 UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:*
>>> Actually, correct me if I'm wrong, but sorting by multiple criteria is 
>>>> far simpler than initially thought.
>>>> All you need to do is reverse the order in your filter expresion, from 
>>>> weekest sort criteria to strongest, e.g.: 
>>> {{{ [tag[Composers]sort[givenname]sort[surname]] }}}
>>>> Will have the output eventually sorted first by surname and then by 
>>>> givenname.
>>>> I have updated the doublesort demo accordingly: 
>>> http://doublesort.tiddlyspot.com/ 
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Tobias.

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