Hey guys and gals.

I have just upgraded my TiddlyWiki to 5.1.19 running under Node v12.6.0 in 
an Alpine Docker container (node:12-alpine). Previously I was running TW 
5.1.16 under node:9.5.0-alpine, using the older deprecated --server 

Since upgrading to the latest version, I have changed over to use the newer 
--listen argument, in conjunction with the 
authenticated-user-header=x-remote-user and writers=(authenticated) 
options. I can see in the TW debug log output that the HTTP header 
X-Remote-User is being passed through and detected correctly and that TW 
has identified that the authenticatedUser=nicolaw. When I go to the TW in 
the browser I can see that $:/status/UserName tiddler shows my 
authenticated username nicolaw, and that $:/status/IsLoggedIn says yes.

...however, I still don't see any new tiddler, new journal, edit, delete, 
or any other write access toolbar buttons. I have double checked that those 
buttons are indeed enabled under the control panel appearance toolbars tabs.

These are the documentation pages that I have been following:

My full command line to invoke TW is as follows:

tiddlywiki mywiki \
  --listen \
    "port=8080" \
    'root-tiddler=$:/core/save/all' \
    "root-render-type=text/plain" \
    "tiddler-render-type=text/html" \
    "anon-username=anonymous" \
    "authenticated-user-header=x-remote-user" \
    "host=" \
    "readers=(anon)" \
    "writers=nicolaw,(authenticated)" \

Can anybody offer any advice on what I might have forgotten or done wrong?

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