Hi. Thanks for this wonderful group where I have searched and found so many 
answers to my newbie questions. I use TW5 to manage my writing project 
(novel). It was a really life-changing discovery for me as a writer, for 
years I tried to find different tools to support my natural instinctive 
process but it was always clunky, where TW5 is intuitive and natural. I 
love it. 

Anyway, my question. My tagging system has changed and refined (as my 
process for working on the project has settled down and become clear) and I 
now have fewer and more relevant tags than when I began. I have TW5 set to 
open the shadow tiddler $:/Manager on start, which gives me immediate 
visibility of a particular set of tagged tiddlers I need to work with (my 
raw daily notes/writing), and makes it really easy and intuitive for me to 
work with them.

As part of my process I go into each of these tiddlers in turn and copy out 
sections of text into "collection" tiddlers, enabling me to use it 
meaningfully and connect it into the larger project. Once this is complete 
for a particular source ("raw") tiddler I change its tag (using the 
checkbox tag options in the 'Tags panel on the right hand side) to show 
that it has been sorted (effectively archiving it). 

However I am finding that the 'Tags' panel in $:/Manager, that is so useful 
for this process, is clogged up with a long list of every defunct tag that 
I have ever used the Manager to manipulate. There are actually no longer 
any tiddlers with these tags (I used the RenameTags search and replace 
function to change or remove them). Sometimes the list of defunct tags is 
longer than the depth of the 'Wikified Text' box. It's distracting, and 
also takes time to scroll down each time and hunt for the few actual 
current tags in the list.

My question is whether and how I can 'reset' $:/Manager to only offer 
currently existing tags in its 'Tags' checkbox menu. Thank you.


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