Thanks completely to efforts by Yakovl, Timimi has basic support for saving 
TW-Classic now. Rememeber, the suuport extended to TWC is basic and differs 
from TW5 saving in the following ways

- In TWC you need to press the save-changes button to save the wiki. The 
behaviour of TW5 where each tiddler saved will automatically save the wiki 
is not present in TW5.
- The different backup strategies available for Tw5 is not available for 
TWC. The only method available for TWC is creating a time stamped backup 
everytime the wiki is saved.
- You cannot opt out of creating a time stamped backup upon saving.

How to get it?
If you have timimi installed already, you do not need to do anything at all 
- firefox will update the plugin for you. Sit back and relax.
If you have not installed timimi, head over to ibnishak.github.io 
and follow the instructions.

Now I know some of you have suggested enhancements to timimi, requested to 
extend support to chrome based browsers and safari, and has edge cases 
which I need to look into. Unfortunately, I cannot steal time for them 
right now. However if anybody looks into them, I will help in whatever way 
I can.

Please do star the github repo <https://github.com/ibnishak/Timimi> and 
leave your ratings in firefox addon store 
<https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/timimi/>. That will be a 
huge encouragement.

Thanking you

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