
Depending on the structure of the data in your excel it may be as simple as 
generating a csv file and importing that.

Personally I would use TiddlyWiki as the interactive database and generate 
the documents as needed.

I am working on a project right now to generate multiple documents, for 
multiple audiences, spreadsheets and PDF documents, from a fairly complex 
set of data in tiddlywiki. PDF's can be converted to Word and with 
spreadsheets, that some clients demand, I have a template in which I paste 
the CSV format output my application generates, then use text to columns. 
We used to have multiple documents and they all needed visiting, if one 
small thing changed, now the data is stored in a single file based 
tiddlywiki hosted on an O365 SharePoint instance.

SharePoint provides the check in and Out functionality to allow serial 
editing of the single file wiki.

Unlike excel Tiddlywiki provides an easy to design interactive environment 
with plenty of User interface control. Ultimately I intend to provide a 
"website" generation (tiddlywiki) with only the data for the different 
clients, so they can visit and get the latest, with search and filters, 
stopping the need for distribution, bypassing documents altogether with a 
user option to print a PDF.

For more sophisticated maths evans formulaue plugin is great but I can 
avoid this with the new operators.
There are also editable table plugins and more that could help you. 


On Monday, August 12, 2019 at 10:53:49 PM UTC+10, Paul Richardson wrote:
> Good afternoon, complete beginner here.
> I maintain a reference document for my organisation which has some 
> pre-amble and then is essentially a large table. The user looks through the 
> table for their particular area of interest and then is given a particular 
> category/label for their information. The document is also shared with 
> partner organisations and suppliers and needs to be presented in a portable 
> format - and it cannot be shared on the internet or in a collaborative 
> manner. The document has three levels e.g. section 1, section 1.1, section 
> 1.1.1 (although in some places
> [image: Untitled.png]
> As the document is quite wordy (with footnotes) it is currently maintained 
> in Word, but I would like to move away from this, and have been playing 
> with TiddlyWiki. As I still need to provide the Word version, what I would 
> quite like to do is have a master database (probably in Excel) which then 
> auto-populates the Word document *and* the TiddlyWiki version. 
> I am familiar with the principles of markup laguage and I have managed to 
> get as far as getting Excel to generate the code for the table rows, and 
> have successfully pasted these into a tiddler manually. 
> |4.1|Wordy description of situation A| <div class="cell class4">class4</div> 
> | <div class="cell class4">class4</div> | <div class="cell 
> class2">class2</div> 
> |
> |4.11|Wordy description of situation B| <div class="cell class3">class3</
> div> | <div class="cell class3">class3</div> | <div class="cell 
> class1">class1</div> |
> [image: Capture.JPG]
> However I then wanted to get Excel to generate the code for the whole 
> tiddler itself, (the <div created modified tages title>), but when I paste 
> the complete tiddler (<div> header and the content and the </div> closing) 
> into the HTML directly (just after the tiddlers I created in tiddlywiki), 
> this doesn't seem to work. It looks identical in format to other tiddlers I 
> have added in the usual manner, so there must be other parts of the HTML I 
> need to edit.. (I can see my tiddlers both in the "static" area and in one 
> other place and have added equivalent entries in both).
> <div created="20190812141646000" modified="20190812141646000" tags="" 
> title="Description">
> |4.1|Wordy description of situation A| <div class="cell class4">class4
> </div> | <div class="cell class4">class4</div> | <div class="cell class2">
> class2</div> |
> |4.11|Wordy description of situation B| <div class="cell class3">class3
> </div> | <div class="cell class3">class3</div> | <div class="cell class1">
> class1</div> |
> </div>
> I know the HTML isn't intended to be directly edited but what can I say!
> So my immediate question is, which parts of the HTML file do I need to 
> insert code into in order to add a working tiddler? 
> My other question is - is my objective even possible or will there be too 
> many other unseen hurdles and complications along the way? 
> (I suppose the alternative approach is to maintain the master version in 
> TiddlyWiki and then find a way of exporting the whole document to Word, but 
> it needs to be clean and professional).
> Thank you!

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