I have about 30 TW that get regular use:

   - resources, where I keep plugins, macros, snippets, how to's, TWified 
   fonts, etc for easy copy into other TW
   - Divination of all kinds is one of my passions, so I have TW for 
   several different methods, notes, my own commentary, etc. Yi Jinmg, 
   Geomancy, Numerology, Traditional Astrology, Cartomancy are some of the 
   distinct TW I keep.
   - Writing a book on how to create your own divination system - using TW 
   for content edit #2 because it's easier to move tiddlers around and add new 
   ones than it is to fiddle with word documents
   - Using TW as a tool to sort - one of the processes I use is to take a 
   metric buttload (~150L, BTW)  of meanings and situations, and tag them with 
   potential tokens. For example, the end of a relationship could be tagged 
   with end and relationship. Once I've done this for all/enough of the 
   meanings (I have a list of about 12k I'm working through at the moment), I 
   can then start sorting the tokens into final tokens (cards, runes, what 
   have you). Those final tokens become the cards/runes/bones/etc I then 
   design. This makes it easy to have a meaning that shows up in multiple 
   places (thanks to tags) to indicate different nuances.
   - The rules doc / setting details for my homebrew TTRPG.
   - Starting to work on an endless choose your own / text-based RPG based 
   on FUDGE/FATE. It's sorting out the engine stuff that's the hard part
   - As the divination interest might indicate... I'm a spooky guy. I teach 
   classes on Animism, divination, and magic of a bunch of varieties. Each of 
   those classes has their own TW for notes, questions, observations, bits to 
   add, etc.
   - I keep a materia magica - the tools, components, spells etc. I use 
   magically. Essentially, a magical cookbook, with tiddlers for recipes as 
   well as for ingredients and techniques.
   - Notes on various inspiring religious traditions and ideas (Shinto, 
   Druidry, ATRs, other Animisms)
   - Writing a few grimoires - manuals for working with specific spirits 
   and/or traditions. TW is perfect for these.
   - Big language geek - I am a conlanger (I CONstruct LANGuages) and 
   member of Language Creation Society. I have TW for the grammar of my 
   language, another as a dictionary (learning much from recent thread on 
   dictionary slowdown), and for the conworld (CONstructed world) and 
   conpeople that use my lang.
   - Notes on other languages I am learning / enjoy - currently, that's 
   separate TWs for Finnish, Native American Languages (mostly Cherokee and 
   Ute at the moment), Japanese, Korean, and Celtic (I speak Irish and Welsh, 
   have an MA in Celtic langs, so...)
   - Writing a book on a/the Spider Goddess (have a thing for spiders - 
   born 3wks premature because a black widow bit mother who went into shock 
   then labor - unfortunately, it wasn't radioactive), so notes, text, etc. 
   all goes into a TW
   - Have an elemental system based on 3 forces / 9 elements, and that's 
   all explained in TW. There's a huge yi jing - like divination system that 
   goes with it, based on combinations of the 9 elements (729 "trees" result), 
   and they're explored via TW too - the random tool and a tiddler per "tree".

I keep all of these on a thumb drive that I back up nightly (or so). SO 
much easier to use for me that trying to set up / use a traditional wiki. 
Especially since they're primarily / only for ME. I don't get the "dirty 
looks" from the wiki farms about not sharing, no need to pay to have all 
the wikis I want, etc. It's easy to switch back and forth when there's 
overlap (frequently), easy to spin up a new, self-contained topic wiki, 
fairly hackable to get exactly what I want functionality and look wise.I 
like that I can be as organic or linear as I want: the grammar is pretty 
linear, uses ToC and various plugins / field to keep things orderly, the 
sorting is going from super organic to linear, and the materia magica is 
staying pretty organic overall.

Work notes - I've thought about it, but too hard with the way things are 
set up. So I BuJo those. Only forget all the obnoxious "spend to weeks to 
make the monthly layout pretty" BS. I'm super practical there - it's a half 
page labeled "September" with a list of things and that's it. Messy, but 
useful. And strangely organized.

Okay, that's enough of that.

On Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 3:54:01 AM UTC-6, Luis Gonzalez wrote:
> How do you use tiddlywiky?
> The more I use tiddlywiki the more I like it.
> This is the wiki I use in my work to take notes.

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