On Monday, December 4, 2017 at 5:25:23 PM UTC+1, Mat wrote:
> What would you (the skilled coders here) say is the main cause of this?

We didn't do too much optimization yet. ... It's a very time consuming 
process, to find out, where the actual bottlenecks are. 
.... And I'm talking from 24h days and not 8h days hours here ;)

> Is javascript a slow language per se?

No. ... Not anymore. JS JIT (Just in Time) compilers are at 80%+ native 
speed at the moment. So that's not the problem. 

> Is it some fundamental structure of TW?

As soon as we need to "write" to the DOM, it starts to get slower, because 
modifying DOM elements, can cause a browser internal redraw of the whole 
So as long as we can work with TW internal memory we are ok. ... But at 
some point we need to hit the DOM. .

> Maybe the plentitude of divs in TW?

That's an other problem. ... It's not the DOM structure itself once it is 
created. Browsers are highly optimized to deal with that. 

Creating the structure is time consuming. eg: 

TW wikitext -> gets parsed -> parsetree is created -> parsetree is 
converted to a widget tree -> widget tree gets rendered to HTML 

There are some optimizations. eg: widgets can check, if they or their 
children need to be redrawn. So only parts that are affected by tiddler 
store changes will be redrawn. 

The problem now is, that most of the TW UI is created dynamically, which 
creates unpredictable dependencies. The TW "redraw process" has to check 
all those dependencies all the time, something happens to the internal 
tiddler store. 

> Is it simply that browsers are not made for several MB's of loaded data?

That's not the problem. 1 image of a modern smart-phone has 4+ MByte. 
Browsers can handle multi MByte well. ... The problem we have is the number 
of dependencies we have to check.

> Have we chosen algos that are less-than-optimal for perfomance but 
> beneficial for something else?

No. IMO most js algorithms used are performant. But as I wrote, we run them 
often .... very often :)

> Do we use recursions-in-recursions at a very early level in the structure?

Yes, because that's the most efficient way to work with tree structures, 
like the parse- and widget-tree.

> And what makes TWC snappier than TW5?

Almost every UI element is hardcoded and the internal structure is 
TWc UI doesn't react on every tiddler-store change. So it was / is very 
common, that parts of the UI are not updated, even if they should be. 

So we basically did trade convenience for speed. 

have fun!

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