The overall point with this idea is to make it easier to create tiddlers. 
It loosely describes a UI and a workflow but starts with an observation 
about the current way a plugin is defined.


In another thread PMario explained the reason why plugins appear like so:

    "tiddlers": {
        "$:/plugin/TWaddle/Foo/Bar": {
            "title": "$:/plugin/TWaddle/Foo/Bar"


...i.e the title of the shadow tids are always repeated twice - first one 
apparently being an index that is only temporarily used. 

I'm about to propose a change to this but I assume this is very much 
ingrained in the current core so this is why I label this thread "TWX" i.e 
a hypothetical future version of TW.

So, I'm thinking that plugins in TWX are somewhat similar in struture then 
maybe that index can be more actively used as a path to allow for pretty 
shadow titles. Soemthing like:

    "tiddlers": {
        "$:/plugin/TWaddle/Foo/": {
            "title": "Bar"

We would thus use name spaces in a more explicit way by separating the 
titles. For example, when creating tiddlers that are supposed to become 
shadow tids, the workflow could be like so: 

To create a plugin, the used creates a tiddler and "marks" it as a plugin 
(perhaps by selecting a *type* : plugin). This makes the tiddler use a 
special tiddler template with plugin specific fields like "version"etc.

To create to-be-shadow-tids, the user creates a new tiddler and in edit 
mode selects that it belongs to a specific plugin. The user can then use a 
pretty title because the system can treat the plugin title as a prefix.

In the plugin code, e.g the syntax "./pretty" can be used to refer to 
fellow shadow tids.

So, the plugin tiddlers *actual* names are really the long not-pretty 
titles, so they are not likely in name-conflicts. But the user doesn't have 
to face these not-pretty titles all the time.


Off topic: this gives me an idea for a really nice UI to create plugins: In 
a tiddler, select type:plugin to get a table (in view mode) to fill with 
plugin data (version, list, description etc) as well as a [+] button to 
create tiddlers that are supposed to be shadow tids. Finally at bottom of 
this tiddler, is a button to "Package plugin", wihch converts everything to 
a plugin with shadow tids. This is similar to the wonderful Tinka 
<> plugin packer but with an even simpler to 
use UI.


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