@Phil the .tid format does not support multi-line fields apart from the 
text field. Therefore tiddlers with such fields should be saved as .json 
files. However, this behaviour was not properly implemented but is now 
resolved in the very soon to be released TiddlyWiki 5.1.23

On Friday, December 11, 2020 at 9:32:10 PM UTC+1 phil...@gmail.com wrote:

> Saq and Chris,
> Apologies for the slow reply, and Saq really appreciate your quick 
> response to my original inquiry. 
> I think you have nailed it, *the issue seems to be the multi-line fields*. 
> It seems tiddlers with line breaks in a field were being converted to json 
> and/or corrupted. 
> Not sure if the json behavior is a cause or a symptom or what, but in any 
> case I'm glad there's a fix, this one was a doozy I thought I was going 
> nuts!
> Phil 
> On Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 10:27:45 AM UTC-5 saq.i...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> The original description of the problem reminds me of what happens if you 
>> have non .tid format files in the tiddler directory.
>> @clutterstack do note that the multiline fields issue is now patched in 
>> the latest pre-release.
>> Cheers,
>> Saq
>> On Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 4:19:02 PM UTC+1 clutterstack wrote:
>>> Hi Phil, if you're still here..following on from Saq's response, do you 
>>> have any custom fields containing multiple lines of text?
>>> There was an issue with this in 5.1.22 running on node. Saq wrote a 
>>> patch to fix it. See this thread 
>>> <https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/H1CAnuKWgng> for more info.
>>> Even if Phil doesn't come back, maybe someone searching will find this 
>>> (doubtful with the search functionality of Groups, but...). Hopefully all 
>>> new wikis will be on 5.1.23 soon anyway.
>>> Best,
>>> Chris
>>> On Monday, November 30, 2020 at 3:10:46 PM UTC-5 phil...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> After uploading a bunch of Tiddlers to a local server in my home and 
>>>> running TW, the TW on the server thinks some existing tiddlers have the 
>>>> full filepath in the title. 
>>>> *For example*
>>>> - *MyWiki/tiddlers* has a file called 
>>>> - - *MyTid.tid* with *title: MyTid* as one of the n:v pairs 
>>>> After uploading the folder MyWiki/tiddlers and starting the Wiki:
>>>> Searching TW reveals only a tiddler called 
>>>> "/home/wikis/MyWiki/tiddlers/MyTid.tid"
>>>> This also corrupts the information in the tiddler itself when viewed 
>>>> from the actual wiki, as all the n:v pairs are just dropped in the text 
>>>> field of the tiddler. 
>>>> The only thing I can think of here is that it appears the .tid files 
>>>> store their n:v pairs in alphabetical order *instead of keeping the 
>>>> TITLE: field at the top of the file*. I'm thinking this could cause 
>>>> some default behavior where TW uses the filepath as the tiddler name if it 
>>>> doesn't see "TITLE:" at the top of the .tid file. 
>>>> If the TITLE position is indeed my issue, my next question is why this 
>>>> is happening, why are the .tid files having their pairs reordered? 
>>>> Sincere thanks,
>>>> Phil 

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