On Mon, May 03, 2010 at 06:58:15PM +0700, Antoine Martin wrote:
> >>Then I found your post:
> >>http://www.mail-archive.com/tigervnc-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00434.html
> >>Which points to this patch:
> >>http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=302435&aid=2877129&group_id=2435
> >>Which has already been merged into Fedora 12's version of mingw.
> >You are incorrect, that patch isn't available in Fedora 12. You have
> >to apply it manually and then rerun configure.
> We are talking about this patch, right?
> http://atkac.fedorapeople.org/w32api-tigervnc.patch
> I must have applied parts of it before and forgotten about it.
> Anyway, it applies except for the last part: "mingw32/lib/shell32.c"
> is nowhere to be found.
> I even did a full "yum install mingw32*" to be sure.
> In fact, doing a google search turns up nothing at all (except this patch!):
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q="mingw32/lib/shell32.c";
> Please advise. Do I need to pull mingw from source? How is that
> going to play with my yum installed copies...

You must rebuild the mingw32-w32api package with that patch. And you
will have to do it every time when mingw32-w32api is updated.
To be honest it might be better to include the patch in the Fedora
distribution but I generally prefer to go things to the upstream

You can read how to rebuild rpm on
http://www.linuxweblog.com/patch-rebuild-rpm, for example. Note that
%_topdir macro is not /usr/src/redhat/ but ~/rpmbuild/. Simply put the
patch to ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES directory and apply it as written in
chapter "6. Adding the patch to the package".

You can get the latest source rpm from

Feel free to ask me if you hit any problem.

Regards, Adam

Adam Tkac, Red Hat, Inc.

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