On 3/15/11 4:48 AM, Sebastiaan Breedveld wrote:
> 1) The new vncserver script does something weird with -fg. When I use 
> this switch, xfce4 refuses to start with:
> "Unable to contact settings server. Failed to connect to socket 
> /tmp/dbus-GBOh4ZTlHF: Connection refused."
> The culprit is the close(STDIN). I also cannot reproduce your behaviour:

ARGH.  OK, unless there are any objections, I'm going to punt and add a
new switch, vncserver -autokill, which enables the automatic kill on WM
exit functionality without foregrounding the process, and stop
pretending that vncserver -fg & works.  Now that you mention it, I
noticed some odd DBus behavior as well, but I thought it was just a
transient problem with my system.

> 3) I noticed that when moving a window left, the window looks garbaged. 
> Moving into other directions is fine. Forcing a redraw (moving it 
> vertically off/on the screen or switch desktop) works fine. Not all 
> windows have this, but e.g. Thunar has. Both the Linux and Windows 
> viewer have this. It is just a bit annoying sometimes, but I do not 
> think we have to fix this in the beta. But attention should be payed later.

Agreed.  Let's get beta out the door.

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