Ok to commit? If so, this means that we will start building WinVNC (and
vncconfig.exe) during our automatic nightly builds.

I've committed the patch with minor modifications (changing "TightVNC
Team" to "TigerVNC Team", expanding the description text in
CMakeLists.txt, and including MSVC in the platform checks-- necessary

Very nice! I've verified that it works on our end as well.

There are still some things that don't work with MinGW WinVNC-- Java
integration doesn't yet work, and the build fails when BUILD_STATIC=1
(due to the build system trying to pass -static-gcc to windres.)  I'll
look into both of those issues.


Regarding moving WinVNC into a sub-build, we are leaning toward not
using TigerVNC WinVNC for my customer's project for various reasons, and
if that decision becomes final, then I will no longer object to removing
Visual Studio support from TigerVNC entirely.  I'll keep you posted.  It


Note that I think it would be a good idea for Cendio to also get a
MinGW64 build going in addition to your MinGW builds, since there are
subtle but distinct differences caused by the differing GCC versions in
those two platforms, not to mention 64-bit issues that sometimes pop up
when the code is modified.

I agree, this is important. We are currently not doing 64 bit builds every night, but I know that Pierre is doing such builds when he is developing vncviewer. Our 64-bit Windows environment is based on MinGW64. Eventually we will build 64 bit Windows builds nightly as well.

Regards, ---
Peter Åstrand           ThinLinc Chief Developer
Cendio AB               http://www.cendio.com
Wallenbergs gata 4
583 30 Linköping        Phone: +46-13-21 46 00
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