On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 5:43 AM, D.L.C. Burggraaff <bu...@kabelfoon.nl>wrote:

> I repackage the "cross-compatible" builds for PartedMagic (
> http://partedmagic.com). And of course I repackage these builds for my
> own use (Slackware, Xubuntu).
> Most of the time I could rebuild within a reasonable time-frame all
> executables from source (PartedMagic prefers -Os instead of -O2) except
> Xvnc.
> This week I downloaded trunk and tried to compile. After some initial
> fights with FLTK I decided to ask about the possibility of a (pre-)release
> instead.
> I remember having read about DRC's build script some time ago. Maybe I
> should have a more involved "go" with it (any hints on where to find it?).
> Until then the RPM Brian mentioned would be more than welcome.

Until a more suitable location can be found, here are links to an updated


A couple of notes about the build:

(1) Requires cmake > 2.8, which isn't readily available for EL5 but easy
enough to build.  I used the spec for cmake28 from the epel6 repo to
install cmake28 on EL5 (with one small change IIRC).
(2) The spec file needs a little updating.  Pierre has updated a couple of
the Fltk patches since I last modified this spec file.  I'll update those
and repost later today or tomorrow.
(3) The Xvnc binary is mostly static and may "just work".  If not, I think
that the spec file is pretty straight forward if you wanted to use it as a
basis for a custom build script.
(4) The build process was derived from DRC's cross-compatible build script,
but differs in source versions (which were matched as closely to Fedora 12
as possible) and some of the options used to configure Xvnc.  I've running
this in a production environment for over a year now and it's very stable.

Oh, and thanks for your work on partedmagic.  It's a great piece of
software that has saved my bacon more than once.

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