
the file in question is a stylesheet; if you modify it in a text-editor you can control quite a few of the styles applied to TILT from just adjusting this one page. From what I can tell the stylesheet should be located in the top-level directory, ie; the first directory TILT is unpacked into (TILT/ I think.) Just in case it's not there if you got to this url you can save it yourself and add it to your version:



Jill R. Seymour wrote:


I have just begun adapting files for modification for our District and am running
into code that refers to a tiltstyle.css file. This doesn't seem to be present in
the files that were unpacked.

When I remove the reference {<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="tiltstyle.css">}, it doesn't seem to cause any problems, but I'm wondering if
anyone can shed some light, before I do lots of uncoding.



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