Hello Everyone

I am on a deadline and I have been trying to implement Tilt.  I am currently working with module 1 and I have not been able to get the quiz to work.  I have installed php on the server, but I did not install mySQL yet.  In order for the quiz to function, is it required to install mySQL.  If anyone can assist me, I would be so grateful, because I am not sure what I am doing wrong.  The quiz have an html extension, but it includes php code. I am not sure if this is the issue.

I appreciate any response,

Thank you,

Javelin Lawrence
Hampton University


Ok... I don't think you *must* have mysql installed for the quizzes to work... but I'm not all sure about that... however.... one interesting thing... this program (TILT) uses php files with html extensions as you said... 

To get the php to run on your server you need to make a mime type that lets the same thing run html and php... for more on that you might just ask you IT people or someone... I wouldn't want to try to tell you how to configure your server... but you can tell whoever you need to that the server needs to have a mime type that uses both php and html extensions (processes php and html with the same php engine)... if you don't know if your php is working or not... just open most any page in tilt... if you see a bunch of code and junk then probably it is not set right and the server is trying to read the php using html....
Another solution might be to change the extensions on the files... but that might be more trouble than it's worth because of all the links and such inside the files that you would also need to change....
For more information on other stuff see the topic called  "code stuff... correcting some problems"... I posted some more help there a few days ago.


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