Make sure .phtml files are associated with PHP in your web server. By default, PHP installations frequently only use .php as an extension that gets processed by PHP. The steps for doing this depends on the web server you are using (Apache vs. IIS, etc).

Matthew Ballard
Library Technologist
Otis College of Art and Design Library

At 12:02 PM 5/16/2005, you wrote:
My library is new to Tilt. We are just in the process of setting up and
customizing the program for our users.

So far, I have not had too much trouble getting things set up. However,
the "You Make the Call" poll in Module 3 has me stumped. The "call.htm" file
seems to be working. But, when the poll questions are answered and the user
clicks either the right arrow or the "make the call" button, the program fails.

Instead of seeing the poll results, the user sees the code for
the "poll.phtml" file. I have changed the server name in line 228, and I have
tried a number of different ways to direct to the files for the "votes_poll1 -
votes_poll4" files. Nothing is working.

I've looked at several other libraries' setups, but viewing the html source
doesn't really help, since the php code doesn't display.

If someone could tell me how they got this to work, or send me a copy of their
updated poll.phtml file, I'd really appreciate it. This one item really has me

Many thanks,

Andrea R. Lee
Information Integration Architect
Bowman Library, Menlo College

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